Diabetes is a chronic disease which is caused by the insulin insufficiency and insulin disorder. The patient with the insulin insufficiency (diabetes type I) has a problem with their pancreas, while the patient with the insulin disorder (diabetes type II) has a problem with their insulin production system. Both conditions need a special treatment and commitment to free or minimize from the risk of having chronic diabetes. The special treatment and commitment are also needed to take care of the patients with complicated health problems. As we know, diabetes can lead to some complicated diseases, such as liver, digestion problem, and urination system problem. These complicated diseases, in some cases, make the patients hard to consume some prescribed drugs.

To overcome the problem, pharmaceutical industries adopted herbals from the nature for developing the effective treatment besides the drugs. The selected herbals have been tested by vitro and in-vitro to increase the beta cell productivity and reduce the glucose absorption. Some of the herbals even show the good result for repairing the damaged cells and maintain the patient’s stamina during the treatment. With the good result, pharmaceutical industries are still developing the herbals to be an effective product. The industries also want to get the product that can be the alternative and cheap medicines for all diabetes patients.

The herbal treatment for diabetes in modern practice involved a big major role from some herbals in the pills, tablet, syrup, and powder. Onion and garlic are often used to reduce the glucose absorption and control the blood sugar level of the patients. In the pills shaped, they are consumed to prevent the risk of having diabetes by non-patients. Babhul and garlic is used and consumed to increase the insulin productivity. But different from garlic, babhul as the pharmaceutical product it must pass the toxicity test so it can be an effective medicine for the patients.

The herbals that can be consumed as the powder are so many, such as neem, onion, Capparis deciduas, Indica, and many more. The powder consumption is expected to have more reaction to stimulate the beta cells to release the insulin and control the blood sugar level. But, the powder consumption has to be under supervision of the naturalists. This would be an effective treatment for every patient.

Some of the herbals can be consumed in the juice products, such as onion, mango, and aloe vera. The juice products are better than the powder products. Since it can be self-made, every patient can get the product very easily. The effective of the juice herbal treatment is expected to encourage the patient to revise the daily food consumption. With the juice, the patients can control their blood sugar while fulfilling the daily nutrition. For patients who have problem with their weight, the juice can be an effective solution, too.

The daily usage of each herbal is different from one patient to others. This is because each patient has different diabetic condition. Some of the patients are recommended to consume the herbal in powder three times a day, while others are recommended to consume the herbal in the pills only once a day. Some of the patients even have to mix two or three herbals in the juice or extract type to make the effective herbal treatment for diabetes